Monday, January 31, 2005

never enough hope 1-30-2005

second show in two nights for the super group. this one went better though we were crammed in tight on the stage and front floor of the hungry brain. but it really shows that with a big group like that, in order to hear everyone, it's easier to not be in a big reverberrant space (reverberrant?). there was a very good turn out at the brain too: the first set was three smaller groups of improvising, there was an aggressive one with colin & dan letting the baritones out f the gate; a very nice melodic improvisation with bogie, amy cimini, dina maccabee & brian dibblee; and then the vibraphone duo of adasiewicz and tacket (not tucket or target) brown. good times. the long piece went well, and the audience really loved it - the way it's supposed to be....

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