Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Aram Shelton Trevor Healy Rooz 8-27-2007

Played a long open set with the guitarist Trevor Healy last night at Rooz Cafe, a spot on Park blvd in Oakland. I met Trevor a few months back when the Pink Canoes played at the Luggage Store, he'd recently moved out this way from New York. We finally had a chance to get together to play last month at his practice space in San Francisco. I really liked what I heard - experimentation balanced with patience. We played for about an hour at Rooz this night, which is a newer space in Oakland - we took our time building different sections and allowed things to materialize. The acoustics of the room - a very live room - made us hold back a bit, but overall I was real happy with the music. I think Trevor was even able to record it to his minidisc but I haven't been able to hear it yet.

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